Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Good Grief

Any fan of Arrested Development (or Charlie Brown) will recognize this and understand my mood since RTB. It's the same way when any other big event passes ...something that you've planned for, looked forward to and enjoyed immensely. I don't like to sit around with soggy diapers for long so I took Sunday evening for just that and got back to the program Monday.

My quads took the brunt of all the hurtin' which is great news for the perpetual complaining my butt and hamstring are constantly dishing. It's not so great news for when I need to sit down or head down stairs leaving my building, at work, into the subway, on the toilet! Geesh. Met up with Staci for a very slow 6 miler on Monday. Was probably the slowest I've run since my last marathon maybe longer but it was EXACTLY what I needed.

Last night I headed out for 10.3 miles, all along the bridle path and around the reservoir. It was heavenly! The pace was easy, the humidity low, the temps at that perfect crisp state and the city provided a gloriously lit scape along Central Park South.

This morning I looked like a normal person heading down into the subway. Back to getting ready for Chicago!


Jen said...

Oh man--the "roe going down the stairs" quads are tough! I weeped openly when AD was canceled. How could they??? Glad you're feeling better!

Meredith murphy said...

Glad you had a good time :) the slow run was how to get the blood pumping and the lactic acid out. Looking forward to your Chicago marathon :)

After my last race, which was a dnf, i had the opposite of a runner's high. weird. looking forward to a fun half mary this weekend

Maria said...

Meredith - you're running the PDR yes?

Theia said...

Every time I'm that sore I have to question my sanity... "I did this to myself? Voluntarily???? What the heck is wrong with me???" :)