Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Musings and recovery

I forgot to mention that although I totally blanked on getting a picture of us together, I was lucky enough to run into Sarah and her crew in the parking lot @Cannon Mtn. before the start of RTB. However, Walter did get them in the background of another shot - woohoo! Here they are in all their super hero goodness, Sarah was Wonder Woman. Looking forward to hearing more about her first RTB experience.

I've mentioned it elsewhere but I seem to be recovering from this year's relay much faster than last year. I was walking down stairs on Sunday while still in NH with some pain and then all day Monday without much more than a slight bit of uncomfortableness. Undoubtedly using the stick while still in the relay, eating & hydrating well and getting some solid zzzs on both Saturday and Sunday nights have helped. I got out for a very nice and sleazy 8 miles last night. Legs are definitely still holding on to some residual soreness but nothing that would fall in the "out of the ordinary" bucket and nothing that feels like an injury. I've got yoga on tap for tonight and more easy running tomorrow and Friday along with a trip to the pool.

The coming weekend will be a fun one too! Missy and I are both running the Continental Airlines Fifth Avenue Mile on Saturday and will finish in plenty of time to see the real action - elites! And then on Sunday we'll both be running the 18 mile tune-up put on in CP by NYRR


Sarah said...

You are so funny with the arrow pointing to me :)

Glad your recovery is going well....pretty much the same with me. My calves were still a little tight yesterday but otherwise feeling good. Just keeping the paces easy this week to make sure not to push it too hard.

Good luck with the races this weekend!

Doctor Err said...

love it!
i am telling you its been fun to sort of be on this road of whole body (food excercise etc) with you.

you're who I hope to be when i grow up. :)