Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Have motivation, willing to share

Finally! It's back. My motivation, my good habits, my mojo, my groove. Maybe the mysterious maple syrup incident brought them back? Whatever the case I won't question it any further. For the first time in quite awhile I feel I'm back to me again. The whole me, not a me just hoping and half-heartedly engaging in things that might resemble the real me. Part of this is undoubtedly due to the amazing work Vinita has been performing in my visits to PhysioFitness. Running has become enjoyable again, sure it's still tough on some days, easier on others but the constant pain isn't there and that instantly makes it a better experience! I'm also back into full workout mode: swimming, strength training, spinning and a new yoga series starting this weekend. Wheee!

Oh and I'm now using this as an office chair. Talk about core work.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Glad to hear it!

KP said...

that ball is gonna kick your ass.

solarpowered said...


Sarah said...

Glad you are back to the normal you!

Craver said...

Acouple people in my office are doing the stability ball-as-office-chair thing, but report no change... tell me what you think., I'm transitioning to full time work from home shortly and I could definitely make this change if it's worth it!
Glad to hear you're back to kicking butt. Go girlie go!p