Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Seeping Smiles

I like to smile, it makes me feel good and I like to think it makes others feel good. I feel a smile gives everyone that sees it license to enjoy the moment just a little more, and it becomes a contagious action that one is eager to repeat.

Yesterday I passed by a little boy pushing his own stroller. His height did not exceed that of the stroller which made it all the funnier seeing this seeming ghost stroller whipping my way. He was all over the place, the stroller moving wildly across the sidewalk as his mom watched him carefully. The whole scene warmed my heart and I couldn't help but exchange smiles with his mom, she surely appreciated his genius as well.

This morning while running in the park I passed 3 small dogs who had just been let off their leashes and immediately lunged atop a nearby stone wall. The scene is hard to describe but there were large barren prickly bushes on the other side of the wall spilling over, obviously unbeknownst to the dogs now lunging towards them. The first dog of the pack lucky enough to experience the small prick of that bush and jump back down almost to warn his buddies is what found me smiling once again. It was like I could picture him talking begging them to heed his warning.

And from that scene another smile grew immediately. It was a transfer of thoughts from this small pack of dogs to another [much missed] dog, Sage's Sky. Just as Sage had reported from her run yesterday, I smiled while envisioning Sky out on a run with Joe. I saw them leaping over those barren prickly bushes, getting a bit scraped up and maybe suffering a small tear in the BSOD (blue shorts of death for those of you not aware) but not slowing them down in the least bit.

Now go on, spread a smile!


Joe said...

:) You spread a smile on my face this night

Doctor Err said...

such a great attitude. i love it. i'm still working on thinking of voo and not getting choked up, though.

Sarah said...

Love it!! I'm always afraid that people are going to think I'm a freak when I'm smiling at their kid or dog as I run by....glad I'm not the only one :)

sage said...


Trying not to get all weepy again.

(but smiling anyway)

Mindi said...

Great post. I always love smiling at people too - and simply saying hi. It actually really bugs me when I say hello to someone or smile and they divert their eyes. Come on people! Life is so much better when people are friendly. Last night at the grocery store, after I put my groceries in the trunk of my car, an older man came up and said he'd take my cart for me as he was going in - he smiled and told me to have a nice day. And it warmed my heart. The little things make a nice difference.

Lori said...

This is absolutely fabulous!!! Every last word of it!