Monday, April 6, 2009

Own it

A monkey mind is mine. In my last post I neglected to mention that for the first time in too long (and far longer than I'd care to admit) I nearly made it to the 40 mile mark for the week.

39.15 miles to be exact.

It's been a humbling road these last couple months ...quarters ...years!?! I fondly remember the summer of '07 and cranking out 60 mile weeks regularly and hitting that all time high of 70 miles one week. Since then it's been a lot of retooling and experimenting and convincing myself to stay motivated but dare I say, I feel as though I'm back. Back to what, exactly, is still tbd. I only know one thing for sure - variety works for me. I need the other stuff in my life to make my running work for me. That means spinning and swimming and yoga and strength training. That means good time management and planning for the unexpected. That means mixing it all up with cool workouts like the one Jill provided me last week and constantly evolving.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

I think it sounds like you have a good thing going. 60/70 mile weeks are good if you can keep healthy and motivated doing that. But if you need the yoga and swimming and other stuff, and it means less miles but you are happy and healthy and loving it - well then that is what matters!

Sarah said...

Nice job on the weekly mileage! I need some of your inspiration to get me back to yoga and strength training after Boston is over. I've been severely lacking with that and my hips are letting me know!

Christine said...

40 is always a good solid milestone in terms of MPW. it appears you are at a happy medium with everything else so keep up the great work!!