Sunday, December 21, 2008

Making progress - check!

As of this morning I've been to the physical therapist 3 times and really none of the visits was all that painful + I've ditched the pain behind my knee. Sure there was some pain but it's not a constant and to address Cindi's earlier question, it feels like getting a knot worked out during a massage. Unpleasant but unlasting. Thus, we are making progress! And while I won't be back to see Vinita for another week, I do have a couple exercises I'll be working on to help with my hyper extended low back. And, of course, I can continue running. Wheee!!! In fact, I see that there are two races in Forest Park while I'm in STL. Although I have no intention to race in either and likely not even run in them, perhaps my sibs and I can coordinate a run in the park at the same time. Spectating while trotting through the cold temps will surely make for a more pleasant experience :)

And so for my own records & as a reminder as to how this all went down, I've decided to note the time line here.

After a distinct "something" happening in my left leg (specifically left knee pit) approx. 2+ weeks prior to Chicago, my already weak and crabby left leg grows increasingly more painful. I cut running down to once per week after the marathon while bulking up on all other activities.

12/9 - 4 mile run is interrupted within the first 1+ mile by sharp stabbing pain behind my knee, stretching helps a bit but the pain continues throughout the run

12/16 - Having not run for a week now, I meet Vinita (aka Supa PT Girl) for the first time. She assesses the state of my body after hearing my 3+ yr running & injury history and starts some active release and other massaging, stretching & acupressure techniques. Focus is on my spine, left glute, psoas, left knee & right IT band. Her initial assessment includes noting:
  • My left hip sits higher (millimeters) than my right
    • Still unknown is whether my left leg is structurally or functionally longer than my right. If structural, a heel lift of some sort could really help out but if functional we need to do more work
  • Because of the aforementioned my left hip flexor rotates in causing my left big toe to never plant correctly and thus taxing my gluteus [minimus & medius] and left hamstring
  • Also causing my spine to slightly twist
  • Most recently resulting in a pissed off sciatic nerve behind the left knee (aka my knee pit pain)
  • Not helping matters, my quads [on both legs] dominate and create a heavy but powerful front leg while my back legs remain weak[er].
  • Also of note is my hyper extending low back
  • And weak lower core (weak? dangit!)
  • Throw in the possibility that my left hamstring and IT band are stuck together ...yes! stuck together, who besides the science types know this is possible?
And that's just from our first week together.

12/19 - Back to Vinita and more active release, acupressure, trigger point release, massage and stretching. Focus is back to the spine & psoas, left quad (ouch!!!), lower back, left hamstring and left glute. My appt. is capped off with a quick 5 minute run on the TM - all looks great re: foot plant and foot strike, I feel solid, my knee pain is gone. Vinita observes that although my left side is still sitting higher, the inward rotation is markedly improved

12/20 - Out in CP for a 4.4 mile run. NO KNEE PAIN and only a dull ache in the left butt & hamstring.

12/22 - A return to Vinita. After some more active release and stretching, we start on some exercises that I can work on from home. They're quite basic at first, addressing my low back arching and tendency to not use my core as much as I could in running and relying instead on my upper legs and butt to do all the work. Other areas of focus are psoas (for anyone not familiar with where this is... the psoas major attaches to the spine and comes frontward over the hip (making up part of the hip flexor) and b/c of the placement, Vinita has to access this through the front of me (more ouch!!!)), left glute, left calf and ankle, left quad and IT band and low back.

So lots of good stuff going on there including tons of interesting anatomy information and encouraging results thus far.

Back to the upcoming holidays! Also done this weekend, preparing tasty snowmen treats for brunch on Sunday...

Spending time with the fake Swiss Miss...

And her adorable little Swiss Miss Santa brother...

Missing here but also present were the 2 older brothers of Fake Swiss Miss. Last seen pelting each other with Nerf Buzzsaw Blasters provided by Uncle JJ and myself. hee hee...


KP said...

that's quite the list of issues you have there...but sounds like you've made plenty of progress in the last week or so. told you the stuff was awesome

Maria said...

Yeah, it's pretty much a domino effect up/down my leg (Vinita isn't quite sure where things originated, she can only guess)