Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Well hello there

Yes, yes... I'm still alive and kicking and more importantly, running! Once again work has taken over and caused some stressful weeks that I'd rather not recount. However my running has not suffered and in fact has rooted itself into more weekday mornings that I could ever have dreamed possible. You've heard me say it here before, "I should really run more in the mornings; hold me accountable to 1/week or 2/week"... etc etc. I know I've said it on more than one occasion and I've also said it to Missy while running. My job is more a P.M.-centric type of job meaning that sure I could get in early and get some stuff done and be more organized and all that junk but the heavy lifting of my job happens in the P.M. hours. Which means there's always the chance for a late(r) evening at the office and a greater chance for a run getting pushed. While this does not bode well for my ideal hours in the yoga studio it sure helps to have my running done in the mornings.

Anywho, coach and I are staying on track with a schedule building to a May 1-2 marathon. I'm still not committed to a particular race although the Illinois Marathon is looking quite favorable as of late. I like that it's a Saturday race and have heard good things from Mindi regarding it's inaugural year, just last April. It's also not so far from "home" which means I might be able to visit the family as well.

And since I haven't reported any running details in awhile or specific workouts, here's a snapshot of the last few weeks ...all easy running.

The next several weeks will look similar, backing off the miles just a bit before adding in some quality and then adding back more miles. I'm also planning on a couple races to get some more accurate training paces defined. The Joe Kleinerman 10K on 12/6 and the Ted Corbitt 15K on 12/19, both in CP.

Lastly I plan to sneak in another session of yoga sometime regularly. It's hard to do w/work b/c my most favorite classes start at 7:00 p.m. but I'm going to try and remain flexible and see what I can make happen. Last night was a sweet session at Kula with loads of twisting, twisting, twisting all culminating in some very strong side crows (probably my best ever) and on both sides. Super stoked about that.


sage said...

Sorry, but that photo looks completely impossible! Wow.

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

I was thinking about trying yoga until I saw this picture! I would hurt myself for sure. That's some crazy sh$t.

Looks like your mileage has been solid lately. Can't wait to see which spring marathon you decide on!

Space said...

good lord, woman. that's amazing.

you know, you're so good at being a runner, i really appreciate that.

Joe said...

Whoa! That stuff just amazes me!

I know you aren't doing CIM, but that looks like the right decision. You've got a solid base going, and I'm looking forward to seeing you kick butt at a spring 'thon

maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

Christine said...

i keep forgetting to comment on how awesome of a job you've been doing with the morning running! very impressive! its great that you recognize when your schedule requires morning running and then follow through. way to execute and stick to the plan!
